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In 1901 the Residents of Ashton had, for some considerable period, expressed a desire to form a Bowling Green and Social Club. An initiation Committee was formed to draught a tangible scheme.

A Meeting was held, in the Ashton Institute, on the 4th September 1901 where some thirty Gentlemen interested in the scheme were present. Various sites were discussed but after careful consideration the Egerton Road site was chosen as most suitable. It was proposed that a small Limited Company be formed to purchase the land and construct a Bowling Green and Club House on that land. The Chairman put the proposal to the meeting and it was unanimously agreed to.


The Ashton-On-Ribble Bowling & Social Club Ltd was incorporated on the 17th October 1901. During 1902 the Club House and Bowling Green were constructed and due to the newly formed Green and lateness of the season it was decided not to use the Green this year. To mark the official opening of the Club the Committee decided on a “smoking concert” to be held in the Club House on October 2nd 1902. The Bowling Green was officially opened on the 30th April 1903 by the President Mr W W Galloway.


The Club House was enlarged in 1912 to include a card room (present Lounge), Stewards accommodation and bar.

In 1985 floodlights were installed round the Bowling Green in order to extend the playing season. The existing floodlights were upgraded, by Club Members, in 2009.


Following the sale of land in 1997 a further programme of improvements and repairs were undertaken. These included an extension to the billiard room, and lounge bay, new Ladies toilets, new kitchen extension and a new Meeting room extension, upgraded boiler along with extensive internal and external decorations. The formal re-opening of the Club was carried out on the 27th September 1997 by a certain Mr Tom Finney C.B.E. (Knighted 1998).


Our Vision

To be a welcoming prosperous club that is a focal point for our local community. Where all ages can feel safe, socialise, celebrate, have great times and create wonderful memories. To be the first choice destination for sporting, social, celebratory, community and business events for generations to come.


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